Knigh7s is a family of gamers that takes pride in creating and enhancing the gaming experience which build enduring value for our gaming community.
Below you will find our Charters and Rules that will govern this community to keep the order. Knigh7s objective is to build and maintain an enjoyable, results driven gaming community.
Section 1: Purpose
1.1 Core Values
1.1.1 Respect
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and may differ from yours. That is a fact of life, and we all need to remember to be respectful of others. We are also all human, for the most part, therefore we often make mistakes. Be tactful when pointing out others mistakes and/or errors. Do not display immature or petty behavior as it will only reflect on yourself.
1.1.2 Professionalism
No one knows everything. Everyone has a different degree of knowledge of a game. Be patient with others. If you are unable to assist another member, point them in the right direction.
1.1.3 Responsibility Help Initiates
All players start from somewhere, as did you. Part of the Guild responsibilities is to help out our new recruits. If you can't help for any reason other than "I don't feel like it", point them to someone that can or an online guide/wiki. Help other members Share resources Keep it clean
We have players of all ages. Some players have kids that like to watch or even play along side their parents. Lets keep it clean (Ref: Section 4) of inappropriate language on all forums (e.g. Discord, In Game Chat, this site, etc.).
1.1.4 Teamwork and Innovation
Section 2: Time Commitment
2.1 Activity
All Guild Members must stay active both in game and on this site.
2.1.1 Site participation must be at least once a week.
2.1.2 Game activity can be found under Section 4.2 Game Rules.
Section 3: Initiate
3.1 Expectation
3.2 Inactive
Section 4: Official Rules
4.1 General Rules
4.1.1 No Flaming or Trolling
4.1.2 No Excessive Swearing
4.1.3 No Obscenity
4.1.4 No Derogatory or Racist Terms
4.1.5 No Spamming
4.1.6 No Unauthorized Advertisement
4.1.7 Must be able to speak English
4.1.8 Must use Discord Voice/Text Chat
4.2.1 Eve Online
4.2.2 Guild Wars 2
4.2.3 Star Citizen
Section 5: Violations
5.1 Absolutely no cheating of any kind will be tolerated and will result in immediate removal from Knigh7s.
Knigh7s Ranking System is designed to spread out the responsibilities of each member, while still maintaining a level of authority & chain of command to assist in identifying one's roles.
Guild Ranks
Guild Master -
GM responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Writing all guild charters and rules
- Roundtable Communications with Officers
- Making the final decision in regards to disciplinary actions put forth by the Officers
- To make the decisions whether to Join/Create an Alliance with other Guilds, Orgs, or Clans
- To make the decisions for trade agreements
- Responsibilities of all ranks below GM
Officer Ranks
Officers are in charge of member moral, discipline, class responsibilities, must be familiar with raid/boss fights and related strategies, organize guild events, update guild website and social media, maintain order in the guild and handle complaints, uphold guild charter and rules, participate in guild events.
- Marshall - Be aware of member quarrels, settle disputes in a fair and firm manner. Enforce the guild charter and rules.
- Specialist - Organize guild social events, update guild website and social media. Plan raid events
- Advisor - Recruiter. All applicants will be reviewed by this rank and communicated with other officers and GM.
Member Ranks
- Raid Knight -
- Knight - The "ALL" Members rank
- Rook - Past Probation
- Initiate- New member to the Guild. Probationary Rank. Must actively participate for 2 weeks (can be 14 non-consecutive days) before promotion to Rook.
Sub Ranks
- Alts
- AFK - Away From Keyboard. For Players that are on an extended leave of absence. Temporary demotion to initiate status to prevent hacked accounts from access to Guild Banks, etc. Reinstatement to original rank before leave upon return.
- Retired
Disciplinary Rank
- Mute - Muted on all Communication Channels (e.g. Discord Channels, Game Chat, and Website).
- Traitor - Malicious acts against Knigh7s by Guild Member.
Game Ranks
-Raid Ranks
Class Leader - Commanding officer of their class, in charge of promotion in class range.
Raider - Mandatory to participate in raids
Grand? Master
Master (Guild, Clan, etc.)
Adviser (recruiter, planner?)
Knight (Full Member with some Adviser roles)
Rook (in training)
Initiate (probationary)
Alt (alt characters, listed under main character bio and with "alt" Icon)
Traitor (malicious acts against Knigh7s)
Retired (RIP)
The Origin of Knigh7s
Knigh7s is a multi-gaming family originally known as AngelKnigh7s [AK] on StarCraft, we started off as a small group of players that had met in game mid to late 1999. Later the name changed to just Knigh7s [Knigh7s] or [K7] as the leader was known as "Angel" or Angel[AngelKnigh7s] which turned into Angel[Knigh7s]. The use of the "7" to replace the "t" in knights was used to indicate the original 7 members that gave birth to Knigh7s and later became the "Knigh7s of the Round Table" using the [K7] tag to indicate leadership.
1999: Birth of Knigh7s | Clan Tags: [AngelKnigh7s] [AK], [Knigh7s] [K7] [AK7]
1999 - 2001: StarCraft
2001 - 2003: Diablo II | Counter-Strike | Final Fantasy XI Online
2003: Eve Online
2004: Unreal Tournament 2
2005: Guild Wars & World of Warcraft
2010: StarCraft II
2012: Guild Wars 2 | Diablo III
2012 - 2013: Fall of Knigh7s
2013: Risen from the Ashes - Rebirth of Knigh7s
2016: Guild Wars 2 | Overwatch | Mobile Gaming | Rebirth of
2018: Ring of Elysium
2019: Black Desert Online [PC Only]
2020 - Present: Star Citizen
Needing a place to call our home on the interwebs, was born. It was originally named Knigh7s Network which was actually an Online Gaming, Import Racing, & Anime community. Throughout the years it evolved and then died out. It wasn't until 2013, where it was resurrected with the slogan "we will rise from the ashes". This is where it sat with just a landing page and a forum. Now jump to 2016, the site has risen from the ashes and is know will continue to forward to
Knigh7s ran a few game servers based off of Valves Source Engine Modding Community under the name [Gamer Lobby] and later [xclusivgaming].
Day of Defeat: Source
Counter-Strike: Source
Hidden: Source
The servers are no longer running, but may come back sometime in the future.
Active Games
Black Desert Online
Star Citizen
Mobile Games
Lineage 2 Revolution
PUBG Mobile
Formerly Recruited Games (various levels of activity)
Day of Defeat
Diablo 2
Eve Online
Guild Wars
StarCraft: Brood Wars
Unreal Tournament 2
Warcraft III
World of Warcraft
Boom Beach
Clash of Clans
Clash Royale
Guild Wars 2
Diablo 3
StarCraft 2
Lineage 2 Revolution
PUBG Mobile
Charter & Rules
First and foremost, you must review and agree to the Charter & Rules to be a member of Knigh7s.
Charter & Rules
We are currently accepting membership for the following games:
Black Desert Online (PC Only)
Eve Online
Star Citizen
At the current moment we are not excepting applications for any other games.
As part of the application process, you will receive an email from our recruiter letting you know if you have been approved or denied. We may also request additional information such as proof of age and/or location and may request that you join a voice chat via Discord.
Apply Now
We are looking for like-minded individuals that love to have fun, mature, team focused and can act in a professional manner. Members are expected to be self reliant, capable of researching new information they need in regards to the specific games. Having a level of competency is important to be a part of the team. If you agree to the above, fill out the application for review.
New Game Division
If you are interested in expanding the guild into a new division, you must have a rank of Knigh7s and have a minimum of 5 current members interested in the startup. You will also have the responsibility to create and maintain the info for the new division. If you meet the above requirements, you may fill out the New Game Petition.
New Game Petition
You can join our public community at Anyone may register and participate in the community and public groups. Being active in our community can also benefit your Guild application.