
Charter & Rules

First and foremost, you must review and agree to the Charter & Rules to be a member of Knigh7s.
Charter & Rules


We are currently accepting membership for the following games:

Black Desert Online (PC Only)
Eve Online
Star Citizen

At the current moment we are not excepting applications for any other games.

As part of the application process, you will receive an email from our recruiter letting you know if you have been approved or denied. We may also request additional information such as proof of age and/or location and may request that you join a voice chat via Discord.
Apply Now


We are looking for like-minded individuals that love to have fun, mature, team focused and can act in a professional manner. Members are expected to be self reliant, capable of researching new information they need in regards to the specific games. Having a level of competency is important to be a part of the team. If you agree to the above, fill out the application for review.

New Game Division

If you are interested in expanding the guild into a new division, you must have a rank of Knigh7s and have a minimum of 5 current members interested in the startup. You will also have the responsibility to create and maintain the info for the new division. If you meet the above requirements, you may fill out the New Game Petition.
New Game Petition


You can join our public community at xclusivgaming.com. Anyone may register and participate in the community and public groups. Being active in our community can also benefit your Guild application.

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